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High Voltage Plateau Acceptance »

High Voltage Plateau and Radiation Detectors

In radiation detectors, the high voltage plateau can be found by plotting the counting rate vs. anode voltage.  When the plateau is wide, then the detector is generally stable.  This is the case for gaseous detectors, NaI scintillation probes Geiger counters and various types of gamma ray detectors.  In a multi-wire proportional chamber, (MWPC), used to detect cosmic rays, high voltage plateau curves should be generated for each MWPC.  This aids in setting the MWPC to where it can be most efficient, and to minimize sensitivity to the output of the high voltage power supply. 

For photomultipliers, a high voltage plateau can be observed in the rate-versus-voltage curve.  Also, Helium-3 detectors operating in proportional mode generate pulse amplitudes that are very small.  To get the greatest output from these types of detectors, the most stability and best signal-to-noise ratio, it has been found that best operating point is at or approximately 50 volts above the high voltage plateau. 

To generate the necessary voltages please investigate these high voltage power supplies.

High Voltage Plateau in Battery Characteristics
Batteries can exhibit more than one voltage plateaus in their charging and discharging curves.  For lithium-sulfur rechargeable batteries, a high voltage plateau is observable in the discharge characteristics.  The plateau is adversely affected by the time on the stand prior to use.  In various electrochemical processes, the high voltage plateau affects the electrode structure.  For example, a high voltage process can remove lithium ions.